This is What Muffin Lucario Hates...

June 6, 2009
If you want to know what the Muffin Lucario hates, well, come to my website. It is called a boat-billed heron. And, btw, this is the weirdest website ever. Ooh, a chicken!

Manaphy Invasion!!!

April 25, 2009
If I get lots of Manaphy eggs, I'll get a Manaphy invasion. Because I have the cheat on to get a Manaphy egg. Yay for me!!! I'm gonna make a Phione into a Manaphy. But I don't know how. Oh well, I'll just have to try it. What if someone was so magic and they could make a Manaphy. That would be awesome. And if he let me have it that would be really awesome. I know, I'm just a weird animal who wants a Manaphy. I made up a song. It's sort of like the Nannerpuss song except it's about Manaphy.

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It's Nannerpuss Again

April 25, 2009
It's Nannerpuss! Dee da lee da lee da lee dee!

You can call me Nannerpuss and guess what, I love pan- PSHHHHHOOOOO!!!!!!

Are you ready a serious breakfast?

This isn't the commercial of Nannerpuss, it's just me, Musk Ox!

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The Muffin Lucario

April 25, 2009
The Muffin Lucario really thinks I like Escargoon. But I don't. I HATE him. But I wish there was an episode where King Dedede ordered a monster and that thing changed Escargoon and his voice and everyone in the world's voice.

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He-she Dragon

April 25, 2009
In Dragon Tales, there's a really weird dragon. It's a he-she dragon. That's actually my favorite dragon in Dragon Tales. It's so weird and there's also a fat dragon. I actually made a picture of him that looked like he peed on the floor and pooped on the walls. There's a fat kid dragon. And there's a really small dragon that's name is Cassie.

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Message to Sophia

March 30, 2009
This message if for Sophia. Sometimes you can come over to my house and play Neopets on my account. Don't you dare play my favorite games on Neopets because I won't get my Neopoints. Oh, by the way, you can turn into a frog or anything if I get the wand The Muffin Lucario has in her room.

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Meta Knight in a Penguin Suit

February 22, 2009
In one episode, you didn't see it, but it's true, Meta Knight was in a penguin suit. And also, everyone dressed in a penguin suit, except for King Dedede, he's already a penguin.

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Musk Ox I was really dumb when I liked Ness and Lucas and the Ice Climbers and I was really dumb when I liked Squirtle, Geodude and Staryu, but that was only when I was three. I like ROB, Ganondorf, and now I like Zapdos, Uxie and Palkia because they are legendaries. I like to pester a Lucario named Kim, or The Muffin Lucario. She's helping me write this site because I'm only five.
